Yes! We do treat back pain in our office…
Most patients who come in to us struggle with back pain. It may be a recent traumatic injury say from a car accident or an overuse injury from sitting long hours at a computer or working with machinery. The pain may be long standing, it may be constant or it may come on severely and then go away only to flare up again with certain activities or over time.

Our most satisfied patients have tried other options with less than satisfactory results and are pleased with the difference we make!
We work with patients who would like to get back to performing their activities of daily living with little or no pain. We help patients get back to their sporting and fitness activities safely.
You have options for care
Our patients find that we are focused on results and we focus on the whole patient, not just the pain. Our proven 3 step program is 100% natural. Step I is for the acute phase and focuses on decreasing the pain. Step II is for the sub-acute phase and is focused on decreasing pain and increasing mobility and activities of daily living. Step III is the wellness phase where we give patients the tools they need to stay well.

Our commitment
We give our all for patients to receive pain relief, improved quality of life sustained over time without drugs or surgery.
If you are not sure whether you are a candidate for chiropractic treatment, please call our office!